What is mean by overall development of a child?
The term overall development defines building of IQ, CQ, and EQ of your child where IQ deals with reasoning abilities, CQ with the creative skills and development, and EQ with the empathetic quotient. All of these act as pillars for an overall strong persona.
Do you offer courses for overseas children?
Yes, we offer various brainstorming, foundation building, extra-curricular courses for children around the globe. Our academic programs follow various boards such as CBSE, IB, ICSE, AUSTRALIAN, CAMBRIDGE, etc to suit your child’s academic requirements.
Where will the classes take place?
Owing to the current scenario, all the classes will take place online. You can take the classes anywhere at your child’s convenience. All you need is a good internet connection and a laptop/PC.
How do you initiate interactive sessions with parents?
We organise a one on one session with parents from time to time where parents get to interact with the concerned teachers and share their concerns. The teachers also share the progress of children and inform you about their highs and lows.
Are there any assigments given to track the progress of the child?
Yes. Check on the studies is kept by giving assignments regularly. This maintains the rhythm and also makes the learning process more efficient.
What will be the timings for the classes?
As we have students from around the globe, the timings of the classes depend upon your time zone and country. We have different teams and batches for each time zone so that there is no gap. Also, it depends solely on you and your child, which batch you want to be a part of. You may also decide the frequency of classes before starting the course.
How do I decide the right course for my child?
You need to keep the interests of your child in mind before going on to the courses. Try to dig into the mind and heart and then decide. Also, any skill taught at a young age is an asset for the future.
What are the fee payment options available?
All virtual modes of payments like credit/debit cards, mobile payments, and bank transfers are available.
Do all programs have live-doubt solving?
Yes. Live doubts would be welcome and answered by the teachers during the class duration itself.
How can I track my child's progress?
You have the liberty to check on the teaching updates of the child. Also, you can ask your concerns during the parent-teacher interaction sessions and get your doubts cleared about the same.
How do you ensure that my child will get personalized attention?
Our teachers are vigilant enough to take care of all the children in the online class. Proper attention is paid to every child’s queries and progress regularly.